Fog Sanitizing
The Science of Disinfecting
Fog Sanitizing is a progressive new system that combines a unique disinfecting sprayer process with an equally unique disinfecting product, “ULV FOG SPRAYER”. The unit uses an electrostatic charge applied with the spray, causing a pure attraction between spray droplets and target surfaces. The ULV Fog Sprayer product picks up the charge giving it the force of gravity to completely wrap around and cover every surface it touches.
The Sprayer evaporates easily on surfaces and can be used in high cluttered areas and “touch areas” such as desks, papers, phones, restroom surfaces, etc. It is highly effective on computer keyboards, recently reported as the #1 source for spreading communicable diseases.
One of the main features of ULV is that it meets EPA standards. All products used are 100% non-toxic and destroy 99.9% of viruses and a wide range of diseases caused by microorganisms.
The product is safe for all commercial environments and facility occupants. With the use of Fog Sanitizing, your company can promote having a safe and healthy environment and being proactive in the fight against preventing viruses and diseases.
Fog Sanitizing Facts:
- It has been independently tested and found to be highly effective.
- We exclusively use disinfecting solutions that are EPA and hospital-registered disinfectant in all solutions.
- It kills and destroys the most harmful bacteria/viruses.
- Its application method provides 100% coverage of surfaces not previously reachable or treatable with less efficient disinfectants.
Fog Sanitizing Benefits:
- Totally disinfecting coverage on and around all surfaces.
- Counters spreads of bacteria and viruses.
- Ensures cleaner, safer work/living spaces.
- Reduces downtime due to absenteeism.
- Green and environmentally friendly.